Hose Connect
Asset Management
Dixon Hose Connect is ‘the right connection’ to ensure your business can optimise workflow and downtime, saving time and revenue; giving full visibility and paperless control over asset registration, maintenance and management.

Ensuring Safety
Today, plant safety is an ongoing endeavour where it is impossible to be an expert in every field. The use of damaged, wrongly specified or incorrectly installed hose assemblies, couplings and related items does occur. To the untrained eye these hazards may continue to exist until an accident happens threatening not only plant machinery but also the well being of personnel.
Dixon can assist in your efforts to make the facilities you service as safe, efficient and productive as possible. We recognise the need for onsite safety and the importance that hose management holds. As a result Dixon now offers hose and coupling safety surveys along with our hose management platform
Hose Management
Dixon Hose Connect is a secure, user friendly cloud based asset management software offering customers visibility and detailed data on the health status of their onsite assets. It is a solution that works with your business to manage your assets and equipment, effectively and accurately.
Site Survey
A visual inspection by trained Dixon technicians of the hose assemblies and related accessories in your plant.
During a site inspection Dixon will visually inspect and catalogue all onsite hoses
The data collated gives a full technical and conditional analysis, assessing and calculating the risk of each hose.. Any observations on the health status of each hose from the visual inspection are updated on a cloud based asset register.
The safety survey report is completely confidential and will only be shown to authorized plant personnel with recommendations for corrective actions and planned maintenance
Hose Connect customers benefit from seeing real-time updates on each asset and having the ability to verify Dixon tagged hose assets onsite as well as report hose faults directly to the Dixon Sales team issuing instructions and orders for replacements.​Dixon Hose Connect customers have access to training to support hose and coupling installation and fault identification.

Contact us
For more information on Dixon Hose Connect or to arrange a site survey.